Networking and Telecommunications - Missouri State University Information Services Missouri State University Networking and Telecommunications
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Installation Of Telephone Service

  1. Networking and Telecommunications is the University representative for telephone needs to all carriers and suppliers.  Networking and Telecommunications will assist in planning and specifying the equipment configurations and levels of service which will best serve each department's needs.
  2. The cost of installing telephone service in newly constructed buildings is funded centrally as part of the capital expense of the new facility.
  3. When a department is directed to move from one building or major area to another, the cost of transferring its telephone service is included as part of the cost of relocation and is funded centrally.
  4. Departments bear the expense of relocating telephones or other related telecommunications services from one location to another within the department.
  5. Requests for local telecommunication services and equipment installation MUST be submitted via email to Angela Cockrum, with the following information:
    1. Budget number to be charged and a CC of authorized individual.
    2. Description of work requested.
    3. Complete listing information for campus directory use.
    4. Room number(s), telephone and jack number (if available), where the current service is and/or where new service will be located.
    5. Name and extension of a person the installer can contact for proper placement of the telephone(s).
    6. Desired date of service.
    7. Forward or include with the service request form a room layout with the desired location of the telephone instrument(s).  Keep in mind the location of existing telephone outlets in the room when considering the location of the telephone.
  6. Be sure to include the requesters contact information.  If you have questions about your service request, please call 417-836-4765 (extension 6-4765 on a campus phone).
  7. Private (business) telephone lines from AT&T and other telephone companies will be installed only where special circumstances warrant the service.  Requests for such installations require the approval of the appropriate department head.  All charges for installation, rental, etc., will be charged to the department concerned.