Equipment and Charges (Legacy)
Phone Sets and User Guides
Click on links below to view the user guide for your telephone or right click to save (PDF Reader Required). Mouse-over the icon for a larger image.
These fees are for the equipment only. You can view the installation and monthly fees on the Cost Recovery page.
Additional user guides can be found on the User Guides page.
Note that users can move VoIP phones themselves as the phone number follows the phone, not the jack, but they are required to report such moves by
(search the page for "VoIP") so emergency responders will know the location of the
phone should it be needed.
* The technology involved in delivering standard analog and proprietary digital services is becoming prohibitively expensive.
Therefore, this equipment is generally not available. It is understood, however, that extenuating circumstances may exist where an
legacy set or line type is desired or required. Therefore, these set and line types may still be available in some cases, but the higher
costs of operation are now passed on to the customers - monthly line maintenance fees are in addition to past pricing for the same service and are
applicable to all services ordered on April 25th, 2018 or after.