Networking and Telecommunications - Missouri State University Information Services Missouri State University Networking and Telecommunications
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Building Lookup

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Building CodeBuilding NameBuilding AddressCampus Name
*ADBB Z*Art and Design Busy Bee(inactive) 324 Park Central West, Springfield MO
*ARCO Z*The Arc of the Ozarks(inactive) 4722 East 32nd, Joplin, MO
*BRIK Z*Brick City 3&4 (inactive) 215 West Mill
*BSMH Z*Bull Shoals Mincy House (inactive) 547 Drury Road
*BVB1 Z*Bear Village Apt. Bldg 1 (inactive) 815 South Kimbrough Ave.
*BVB2 Z*Bear Village Apt. Bldg 2 (inactive) 831 South Kimbrough Ave.
*BVB3 Z*Bear Village Apt. Bldg 3 (inactive) 840 South Roanoke Ave
*BVB4 Z*Bear Village Apt. Bldg 4 (inactive) 940 Roanoke
*BVB5 Z*Bear Village Apt. Bldg 5 (inactive) 934 South Kimbrough Ave
*DELM Z*Deep Elm Apts (inactive) 701 East Elm
*GRIZHS Z*Grizzly House Residence Hall (inactive)
*HOUS Z*Houston, MO - Missouri Outreach(inactive) Outreach Centers / Satellite Location
*JANE Z*McDonald County/Jane(Inactive) 194 College Road
*JMAT Z*Joplin - Business Building(inactive) Outreach Centers / Satellite Location
*JPEX Z*Joplin Extension(inactive) 4722 East 32sn St. Joplin MO
*JPHH Z*Joplin - Hearnes(inactive) Outreach Centers / Satellite Location
*JTAY Z*Joplin Campus(inactive) Outreach Centers / Satellite Location
*MCCE Z*Meyer Alumni Center(inactive)
*MONE Z*Monett, MO - Missouri Outreach (inactive) Outreach Centers / Satellite Location
*NEOF Z*Neosho - Farber Building(Inactive) Outreach Centers / Satellite Location
*NEOJ Z*Crowder College McDonald Cnty(Inactive) 197 College Road- Jane, MO 64856
*PROF Z*Professional Building(Inactive) 609 East Cherry S
*SCCC Z*South Central Career Center(Inactive)
*STEC Z*Student Art Exhibition Center (Inactive) 838 East Walnut
*WHOV Z*W. Plains Hass-Hoover(Inactive) 201 Garfield Avenue
ALUM Alumni Center 300 South Jefferson S
AMPH Strong Hall Amphitheatre 900 South Holland S
ARNA Great Southern Bank Arena 685 S John Q. Hammons Parkway S
ARTG Carolla Arts Exhibition Center 326 N Boonville S
ARTX Art Annex 1045 East Grand S
BABH Baker Bunk House 268 Rose Bush Drive S
BAKO Baker Observatory 1766 Old Hillcrest Rd S
BAKR Baker Observatory Restroom 1766 Old Hillcrest Rd S
BAKT Baker Observatory Telescope 1766 Old Hillcrest Rd S
BARH Baker Ranch House 268 Rose Bush Drive S
BARN Barn 9740 Red Spring Road M
BENT Bentley Administrative Center 1610 East Sunshine St Q
BLAR Blair House 1001 East Madison S
BLSH Blair-Shannon House 1001 East Madison S
BLSS Bear Line Shuttle Stop See individual stops S
BOOK Baker Bookstore 717 South Florence S
BPLZ Bearhead Plaza Outdoor S
BRK1 Brick City 1 327 West Mill S
BRK3 Brick City 3 305 West Mill S
BRK4 Brick City 4 215 West Mill S
BRK5 Brick City 5 420 N Campbell Avenue S
BROA Pace Adv Welding/Fabrication Tech Program 218 West Broadway Street W
BRPN Bear Park North 725 East Cherry St S
BRPS Bear Park South 920 S Holland S
BRRR Chiller Building (Cherry Street) 1012 East Cherry S
BSC1 Bull Shoals Cabin 1 446 Wolf Creek Road S
BSC2 Bull Shoals Cabin 2 447 Wolf Creek Road S
BSC3 Bull Shoals Cabin 3 448 Wolf Creek Road S
BSOE Bull Shoals Ozark Education Center 446 Wolf Creek Road S
BULL Bull Shoals Field Station 3942 Drury Rd S
BULS Bull Shoals Residence(Drury House) 3942 Drury Rd S
BURG Burgess House 736 S National Ave S
CAMD Camdenton Outreach Campus 35 College St C
CARR Carrington Hall 901 S National Ave S
CASS Cass Hall 515 Cass Avenue W
CASV Cassville Crowder College 4020 N Main St C
CASY Casey Hall 22360 Hwy MM L
CDAS Credo Dance Academy Studio 931 S Kickapoo Avenue S
CHEK Cheek Hall 825 S National Av S
CHEM Chemical Storage 9740 Red Spring Road M
CHNA China Campus C
CING Cingular Communications Bldg 901 S National Ave S
CIVI Civic Center 110 St Louis Street W
CLAY Clay Hall 744 East Cherry S
CMLT Campus Lighting 901 S National Ave S
COLD Cold Storage 9740 Red Spring Road M
CORR Corral Outdoor S
CRAG Craig Hall 1147 East Grand S
DACA DARR Agriculture Small Animal Education Facility 2415 S Kansas Expressway S
DACB DARR Bond Learning Center 2401 S Kansas Expressway S
DACC DARR Agriculture Center Classroom - SPS Magnet 2335 S Kansas Expressway S
DACF DARR Field Buildings 2401 S Kansas Expressway S
DACP DARR Pinegar Arena 2439 S Kansas Expressway S
DACT DARR Trailer 2459 S Kansas Expressway S
DAPA DARR Agriculture Precision Educational Facility
DRAN Main Campus Drainage Infrastructure S
DRGO Drago Hall 411 West Main Street W
DSDC Defense & Strategic Studies 9302 Lee Highway Suite 740 F
DUPX Mtn. Grove Duplex 2945 Highway 95 M
ELLS Ellis Hall 901 S National Ave S
FBNK Fairbanks, The 1126 N Broadway Ave S
FELL Fellows Lake 4200 East Farm Road 66 S
FENC Mtn. Grove Fences M
FFRC Foster Recreation Center, Bill R and Family 945 East Madison S
FHCT Freudenberger Courtyard Outdoor S
FHLC Allison North Stadium, Betty & Bobby 710 East Cherry S
FHLS Allison North Stadium Storage 720 East Cherry S
FLDE East Field - West of KGSX 801 S Kings S
FORA Forsythe Athletics Center 827 South Kings S
FORG Mtn. Grove Foreman's Garage M
FPEB Fruit Process Education Bldg 9740 Red Spring Road M
FRPL Fruit Processing Lab 9740 Red Spring Road M
FRTH Faurot Hall 9740 Red Spring Road M
FRUH Freudenberger House 1000 East Madison S
GARD Campus Garden 930 East Normal S
GARF Garfield Hall 304 Garfield Avenue W
GARN Garnett Library 304 West Trish Knight Street W
GLAB Greenwood Lab School 1024 East Harrison S
GLAS Glass Hall 851 South JQH Parkway S
GOHN Gohn Hall 603 West Main Street W
GRB1 Guard Booth - Grand Street 901 S National S
GRB3 Guard Booth - Lot 40 213 South Jefferson S
GRHM Greenhouses and High Tunnels M
GRIZ Grizzly House 401 West Trish Knight Street W
GRST Garst Dining Center 1014 East Cherry S
HAMC Hammons Student Center, John Q 731 East Bear Boulevard S
HAMF Hammons Fountain, John Q. 901 South National Ave. S
HAMH Hammons House 1001 East Harrison S
HFSP Hammons Fountain Seating Plaza Outdoor S
HHPA Hammons Hall Performing Arts, Juanita K. 525 South JQH Parkway S
HILL Hill Hall 901 South National S
HISQ Carrington Historic Quad (East of CARR) Outdoor
HOLH Heitz House 811 S Holland Ave S
HSCH HS-Dual HS Credit - MO Outreach O
HUTC Hutchens House 1021 East Harrison S
INET On-Line Internet On-line Z
JDMC Morris Center, Jim D 301 S Jefferson Ave S
JEFF The Jefferson Apts 835 South Jefferson
JLAB Jordan Valley Innovation Center Braider Facility 530 North Boonville S
JOTR Joplin Transmitter Tower 1928 West Thirteenth Street J
JR Journagan Ranch Acreage Route 1 Box 85G S
JRB1 Journ Ranch T2 Hay barn S
JRB2 Journ Ranch T2 Old Hay barn S
JRB3 Journ Ranch T3 Barn S
JRB4 Journ Ranch T4 Hay barn S
JRG1 Journ Ranch T1 Garage S
JRG2 Journ Ranch T2 2-car Garage S
JRH1 Journ Ranch T1 Res House S
JRH2 Journ Ranch T2 House S
JRH3 Journ Ranch T4 House S
JRMS Journ Ranch T4 Mach Shed S
JRRI Journ Ranch T4 Red Iron S
JRW1 Journ Ranch T1 Well/Septic S
JRW2 Journ Ranch T2 Well/Septic S
JVIC Jordan Valley Innovation Center, Roy Blunt 524 North Boonville S
KARL Karls Hall 950 Carrington Ave. S
KCPV KC Penn Valley Community Colle Outreach Centers / Satellite Location P
KELL Kellett Hall 905 West Main Street W
KEMP Kemper Hall 921 South JQH Parkway S
KENT Kentwood Hall 700 East St. Louis S
KGSX Kings Street Annex 801 South Kings S
KIMB Archaeological Research 622 S Kimbrough Ave S
KIND Kindrick Farm 6675 West Highway 266 S
KMPT Kampeter Health Science Hall, Ann 609 East Cherry S
KOZJ Transmitter Site Joplin - KOZJ 1925 Junge Boulevard (old 1928 West 13th Street S
KOZK Transmitter - KOZK - Fordland 905 State Highway FF S
LEVY Levy-Wolf Building 110 Park Central S
LIBC Library Carillon, Duane Meyer 850 South JQH Parkway S
LIBP Library Plaza, Duane Meyer 850 South JQH Parkway S
LIBR Library, Duane Meyer 850 South JQH Parkway S
LINC Lincoln Residence 301 Lincoln Avenue W
LNU Liaoning Normal University
LOON Looney Hall 128 Garfield Avenue W
LYBY Lybyer Enhanced Tech Ctr 605 West Main Street W
MCDA McDonald Arena 850 South Kings S
MCHS Machine Storage M
MCQY McQueary Family Health Sciences 606 East Cherry S
MELT Melton Hall 129 Garfield Avenue W
MGCB Mtn. Grove Classroom Bldg 905 West Main Street M
MGPV Mtn. Grove Pavilion Mtn Grove Campus M
MGSH Mtn. Grove Shannon Hall 401 East 17th Street M
MGVC Mtn. Grove Viticulture Center 9740 Red Spring Road M
MGWT Mtn. Grove Water Tower (50,000 Gallons) 9740 Red Spring Road M
MIL1 Mill Warehouse 1 417 West Mill S
MIL2 Mill Warehouse 2 425 West Mill S
MIL3 Z* Mill Warehouse 3 (inactive) 353 North Campbell S
MIL4 Mill Warehouse 4 405 North Campbell S
MONR Monroe Apartments 1141 East Bear Boulevard S
NATF Allison Recreation Field 1135 East Harrison S
NECC Nevada Crowder College 600 West Edwards Place N
NEOM Neosho Crowder College 601 Laclede Avenue N
NEOW Neosho - Williams Building N
NESS North Electric Switch Station (Greenwood) 1003 East Monroe S
NMAL North Mall (between PSU & Bear Boulevard) Outdoor S
NOAM Miami, OK - NEOAM -MO Outreach 2001 Street Northeast M
NTZL Nietzel Plaza (between BLSH and FFRC) Outdoor S
OCHS O'Reilly Clinical Health Science Center 640 East Cherry S
OFFC Off Campus Off Campus Z
OLDG Old Glass Place 521 St Louis Street S
OPP6 One Parkway Place Unit 6-D
ORSH One Room School House 1024 EastHarrison S
PCOB Park Central Office Building 117 Park Central Square S
PCTR Robert W. Plaster Free Enterprise Center 405 North Jefferson Ave S
PEAC Peachtree Apartments 1848 S Oronogo C1
PEDU Pedestrian Underpass - 1130 E 1130 East Grand S
PENN Pennsylvania House 308 Pennsylvania Avenue W
PLAS Plaster Stadium, Robert W. 1015 East Grand S
PLEB Plaster Stadium East Grandstand, Robert W. 1025 East Grand S
PLOT Parking Lot See individual lots S
PLSU Plaster Student Union, Robert W. 1110 East Madison S
POST Police Officer's Sub Station 636 East Elm S
POWR Power House 940 Carrington Ave. S
PUMM Pummill Hall 930 Carrington Ave. S
PUTN Putnam Student Center 127 1/2 Jefferson Avenue W
RDST Roads and Streets S
RICH Richards House 212 Harlin Drive W
ROLA Rolla Campus R
SCHL Scholars House 1116 East Cherry S
SCNC Roy Blunt Hall 910 South JQH Parkway S
SDWK Sidewalks Infrastructure S
SHAN Shannon House 1001 East Madison S
SHCR Shealy Caretaker's Residence 5607 S 222nd Rd S
SHDH Shade House Mtn. Grove M
SHEA Shealy Conference Center-HOLOS 5607 S 222nd Rd S
SHEP Shepard Hall 9740 Red Spring Road M
SHGC Shealy Guest Cottage 5607 S 222nd Rd S
SHMS Shealy Caretaker Mach Shop 5607 S 222nd Rd S
SHOF Shealy Office Building 5607 S 222nd Rd S
SICL Siceluff Hall 901 South National S
SILO Robert W. Plaster Free Enterprise Center Silo 310 East Phelps S
SOCR Allison South Stadium, Betty & Bobby 830 East Bear Boulevard S
SPMC Midwest Sports Medicine Center 2135 South Fremont S
SREC Student Recreation Center/FEMA Emergency Center 323 West Trish Knight Street W
STEL Steel Storage Building M
STMA Stores and Maintenance 945 East Grand S
STRO Strong Hall 900 South Holland S
STS4 Storage Shed No 4 Mtn. Grove M
STS5 Storage Shed No 5 Mtn. Grove M
STS6 Storage Shed No 6 Mtn. Grove M
SUNV Sunvilla Tower 833 East Elm S
SUNW Sunvilla FEMA Shelter 829 East Elm S
TBA To Be Assigned
TBD TBD Location has not be determined S
TEMC Temple Courtyard (North side of Temple) Outdoor S
TEMP Temple Hall 910 South JQH Parkway S
TENT John Goodman Amphitheatre 1149 East Grand Street S
TRBB Transmitter Building - Branson S
TRBD DARR Transmitter Building 2401 S Kansas Expressway S
TROP Transit Operations Center 700 East Elm S
TROT Trottier Plaza Northwest corner of Plaster Stadium S
TRSH DARR Transmitter Building #2 2401 S Kansas Expressway S
TUNN Utility Tunnel System 901 S National S
UMCM UMCM (Telecom Only) Telecom Use Only
UNVH University Hall 1141 East Madison S
VBAL Allison Sand Volleyball Courts, Betty & Bobby 701 East Bear Boulevard S
VEHS Vehicle Storage M
WAMP W. Plains Amphitheatre West Plains Campus W
WAYN Waynesville OTC Center 600 GW Lane 2
WCAT Greater Ozark Adv Tec Ctr 125 N Howell Ave W
WCCC Webb City Campus Classroom 600 Ellis St 1
WDLD Woodlands 3338 North Farm Road 137 S
WDRN W. Plains Drainage 128 Garfield Ave W
WDSS Wood Shop & Storage M
WECM Welcome Center, Davis-Harrington 1148 East Bear Blvd. S
WEHR Wehr Band Hall 625 South Clay S
WELL Wells House 1132 East Madison S
WELN Deep Well House 9740 Red Spring Road M
WELO Old Well House 9740 Red Spring Road M
WHDH Hass-Darr Hall 201 Garfield Avenue W
WLBR Wells Chiller Building 1012 East Cherry S
WLFT Grizzly Lofts W
WLNC Magers Health & Wellness Center 901 S National Ave S
WMALL West Mall (between Carrington and Strong Hall) Outdoor S
WOOD Woods House 1115 East Bear Boulevard S
WPGH W. Plains Greenhouse 128 Garfield Ave W
WPKL W. Plains Parking Lots 128 Garfield Ave W
WPWR W. Plains Power 128 Garfield Ave W
WSDW W. Plains Sidewalks 128 Garfield Ave W
ZOOM Web Conference CNCT-ZOOM On-line O

Results displayed - 264

* Building codes starting with an asterisk are being superannuated and should not be used.