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Security Cameras


Missouri State University currently has over 420 security cameras with another 80+ scheduled for installation.  There are currently two video systems in use.  The original system was manufactured by Pelco and was the premier product when analog cameras started.  However, analog cameras do not have the definition that is required to present a sharp image when you use the zoom feature, thus distorting the image.  The new system we are migrating to is an IP based system which does allow higher resolution and better image quality.  This means that when you zoom in on an object you can still get a sharp picture.  However, this sharpness comes at a price.  The cameras required to provide high end resolution and the disk storage required to store these videos are expensive.

About the System

We use a high end software application created by a company called On-Net Surveillance Systems, Inc. or OnSSI.  This software application provides IP video surveillance control and management.  Video and alerts from across the campus are tied together in order to build a video evidence case file.

About the Equipment

The OnSSI application is an open-architecture, non-proprietary solution that allows us to use virtually any IP camera on the market, Dell servers for video management, and any disk storage device system that works with the Dell server. This allows us to purchase the best equipment and service at the lowest prices.  We take advantage of these cost savings by purchasing from University, State, or Federal government contracts that offer the best pricing. 

The IP cameras we purchase are made by AXIS.  They are high quality cameras with exceptional resolution and come with a 1 year warranty with a potential for a 5 year warranty on a camera by camera basis.


To determine a cost per camera we add the total costs for equipment, materials, licensing, and labor together and divide by the number of cameras per system.  This means that each Department will be charged fairly based on the types of cameras decided on to meet your needs.

How Do You Request Cameras?

  1. Contact Angie Cockrum in Networking and Telecommunications via e-mail with a brief description of what you are trying to accomplish.  Please provide the building, rooms, and reasons why you want this system.
  2. If you want a stand-alone system not connected to the campus network to record video or sound in a clinic environment we will meet with you on-site to discuss your needs.
  3. If it is Security related, we will contact Public Safety and then we will both meet with you on-site to discuss your request.  We work in conjunction with Public Safety to make sure the locations for the cameras are accessible to install cameras and install cabling.
  4. Once the locations and type of cameras are determined, you will be provided with an estimate.  If you wish to proceed a budget number will be required and a time frame for completion will be agreed upon.  Please provide as much time as possible as ordering equipment and scheduling installation should be done months ahead of implementation.

Please contact Mike Kindle if you need additional technical information.